Clint + Tori Elms

Clint and Tori Elms married on April 23, 2016 at Clint’s grandparents ranch in West Texas. Clint and Tori live in San Antonio so I didn’t have the privilege of meeting them until their wedding day! We quickly found out that we kind of have the same lives. Both of our husbands are 9 years older (which also happen to be the same age), and they both are raising our kiddos as their own… which you are about to see, so grab the tissues.
Clint and Tori told me it was very important for them to pray together before the wedding (tear number one out of 547), but they didn’t want to see each other. We found a semi wall that could hide the bride and Clint began to pray over their marriage.
Clint had a first look with his little princess, gave her a ring (because it was her wedding day too), cut her own cake with her, and had THE most adorable father daughter dance to a Cinderella song that they dance to every single night before she goes to bed. I hope I got some good pictures because I was literally crying the whole time.
The couple also gave me a ton of time to do their formals (yay!!) so we rode around in “The Gator” and drove all over the property to utilize the beautiful scenery. I had such a blast with this couple and I am extremely bummed they live so far away! They did promise to go out to dinner with us when we shoot a wedding in San Antonio in November so I am holding them to it!:)